Quite a lot of people want to download their favorite TV series directly from the internet, but not very many knows where to start. This walkthrough will take you by the hand and lead you through every step, and by the end, you’ll learn all about free series download. Please note that this is for PC users. Mac users will have a much easier time performing these functions.
Download tv series online
1. Have enough Disk Space
If you don’t already have a large hard drive, you will want to purchase a larger hard drive to store your series before burning them to DVD. Until you can get more disk space, you will want to limit yourself to downloading a few series at a time, burning them immediately when you do, and then erasing them from your hard drive.
2. Downloading Software
The world has moved from using P2P programs like Limewire or Morpheus to using Torrents and programs like UseNext. Torrents are a way to break up the original file so that the entire file is never resident on any one computer. It allows for faster download times for everyone.
3. Install A Program
There are several equally good programs on the market which allow you to download movies; most are free, and you can download them from the recommended Movie Download site.
4. Search a Tv Series Website
Now we come to the part where you find the files that you want. With series download sites you can do search what you want. It gets a little confusing sometimes, but the series download sites will direct you. You just have to log into your download site to find what you want.
5.File For
Make sure that the file that you choose is in a format that is friendly for DVD conversion if that is your end goal.
6. Downloading Your tv series
You will then get a window popping up which asks you which components of the download you wish to initiate. If it is just one file, click OK. It is an excellent way to browse for the stuff that you want or don’t want, as the case may be with larger packages such as entire TV series. Specify the folder that you wish to download. Once you click OK, the torrent software that you installed earlier will do the rest of the work.…